In cooperation with long-term partners Metro Hrvatska, JRE-Croatia chefs set off for Turkey! As a reward at the end of the season and as a sign of thanks, Metro partners organized a study trip for our JRE chefs! See below where we were and how we had a good time!
The study trip with Metro Hrvatska took place at the beginning of November 2023, and the continuation of our cooperation and the enrichment of relations resulted in a joint trip to Istanbul. In order for everyone to gather in one place and contribute to better cooperation for future years with common ideas, we decided to visit Turkey and initially the Gastronometro center. So the first day of the trip started at the Metro educational center called Gastronometro!
It houses a metro store, a professional kitchen with a restaurant hall, two rooms decorated in a restaurant style that are used for education and presentations of young people in catering and gastronomy. In order to constantly improve, we have to follow the trends, and that is exactly what our colleagues in Turkey are doing. The great potential is precisely related to the gastronomy, which is based on local ingredients and traditional recipes created with new techniques, thus providing new flavors and creations on the plates.
We spent three days in Istanbul exploring their tastes, foods, and the entire gastronomy, and we also visited many famous restaurants, which we enjoyed immensely. We saw a lot of similarities, because even though we were connected throughout history, we carry similar gastronomic heritage related to traditional recipes and original foods that we also have in Croatia!
We are extremely proud and happy that Metro Hrvatska enabled us to travel together where we got to know each other even closer and we believe that from now on we will make decisions easier and faster and help each other in terms of creating and positioning Croatian cuisine on the world's gastronomic map!
U suradnji sa dugogodišnjim partnerima Metro Hrvatska, JRE-Croatia chefovi zaputili su se put Turske! Kao nagrada na kraju sezone i u znak zahvale Metro partneri organizirali su studijsko putovanje za naše JRE chefove!
Gdje smo sve bili i kako smo se proveli pogledajte u nastavku!
Studijsko putovanje sa Metro Hrvatska odvilo se početkom studenog 2023. Godine a nastavak naše suradnje i obogaćivanje odnosa rezultiralo je zajedničkim putovanjem u Istanbul. Kako bi se svi okupili na jednom mjestu i zajedničkim idejama doprinijeli boljoj suradnji za buduće godine odlučili smo posjetiti Tursku i prvobitno Gastronometro centar. Tako e prvi dan putovanja započeo u Metro edukacijskom centru pod nazivom Gastronometro!
U njemu se nalazi metro trgovina, profesionalna kuhinja sa restoranskom salom, dvije prostorije uređene u restoranskom stilu koje služe za edukacije i prezentacije mladih u ugostiteljstvu i gastronomiji. Kako bi se stalno usavršavali moramo pratiti trendove a to upravo kolege u Turskoj rade. Veliki potencijal upravo se odnosi na gastronomiju koju baziraju na lokalnim namirnicama i tradicionalnim recepturama kreiranim sa novim tehnikama pružajući tako nove okuse i kreacije na tanjurima.
Tri dana u Istanbulu proveli smo istražujući njihove okuse, namirnice ali i cjelokupnu gastronomiju te smo tako posjetili i mnoge poznate restorane u kojima smo izuzetno uživali. Vidjeli smo jako puno sličnosti jer iako smo bili povezani tokom povijesti te nosimo slična gastronomska nasljeđa vezana uz same tradicionalne recepture te izvorne namirnice koje imamo i mi u Hrvatskoj!
Izuzetno smo ponosni i sretni što nam je Metro Hrvatska omogućio zajedničko putovanje gdje smo se još više približili i upoznali te vjerujemo kako ćemo od sad lakše i brže donositi odluke te pomagati jedni drugima u smislu kreiranja i pozicioniranja Hrvatske kuhinje na gastro kartu svijeta!