In cooperation with long-term partners Metro Hrvatska, JRE-Croatia chefs set off for Turkey! As a reward at the end of the season and as a sign of thanks, Metro partners organized a study trip for our JRE chefs!
On the first day, the chefs visited Gastromasa – A large international conference and one of the most important events in the world of gastronomy was held in Istanbul's Haliç Congress Center. This is the eighth year that the conference has been held and, just like the previous editions, this one also brought together the biggest producers from the world of gastronomy and big names on the gastro scene. Rasmus Munk, Jordi Roca and Maksut Askar were just some of those who appeared on the Gastromasa stage in the two days of the conference. There are also numerous pastry chefs, sommeliers, restaurateurs and other actors from the world of gastronomy.
The theme of this year's edition was "Geography". Gastromasa is divided into two parts. A large congress center where some of the world's biggest names in gastronomy alternated with their presentations and demo cooking, and another market part where there were more than 50 producers, chefs and others who presented their products and services.
"This was really great for me, Disfrutar blew me away, they had a fantastic presentation and I am very pleased that I had the opportunity to hear and see all this," added Dominik Mrkonjić, a young chef from Boškinac.
It was a special experience to experience Gastromasa and to be side by side with big names in gastronomy. We hereby thank Metro Hrvatska for the trip!
"For us, this is a really nice and great opportunity to experience gastronomy on a new level, see what is being done in leading restaurants and learn even more about techniques. The lectures were great, I especially liked Disfrutar, I couldn't take my eyes off the stage when their panel lasted. It wasn't boring at any moment, I was watching what they were doing the whole time. Although we don't cultivate the same concept in Zijavica, it inspired me and it was very interesting to hear about their vision and the restaurant itself."
U suradnji sa dugogodišnjim partnerima Metro Hrvatska, JRE-Croatia chefovi zaputili su se put Turske! Kao nagrada na kraju sezone i u znak zahvale Metro partneri organizirali su studijsko putovanje za naše JRE chefove!
Prvi dan posjetili smo Gastromasu – jedan od najvažnijih gastro kongresa u cijelome svijetu!
Gastromasa 2024. Održala se u istanbulskom Haliç kongresnom centru velika internacionalna konferencija i jedan od općenito najvažnijih događaja u svijetu gastronomije. Ovo je već osma godina kako se konferencija održava i, baš kao i na prethodnim izdanjima, i ove je okupila najveće proizvođače iz svijeta gastronomije te velika imena na gastro sceni. Samo neka od onih koja su se u dva dana, koliko konferencija traje, pojavila na pozornici Gastromase bili su Rasmus Munk, Jordi Roca i Maksut Askar. Tu su još i brojni pastry chefovi, sommelieri, restaurateri i drugi akteri iz svijeta gastronomije.
Tema ovogodišnjeg izdanja bila je "Geography". Gastromasa je podijeljena u dva djela. Veliki kongresni centar u kojem su se izmjenjivale neke od najvećih svjetskih imena gastronomije sa svojim prezentacijama i demo kuhanjem te drugog market djela u kojem se nalazilo više od 50 proizvođača, kuhara i ostalih koji su prezentirali svoje proizvode i usluge.
"Za nas je ovo stvarno lijepa i velika prilika da doživimo gastronomiju na jednoj novoj razini, vidimo što se radi u vodećim restoranima i naučimo još više o tehnikama. Predavanja su bila odlična, posebno mi se svidio Disfrutar, nisam mogao skinuti pogled s pozornice kada je trajao njihov panel. Nije bilo dosadno u niti jednom trenutku, cijelo vrijeme sam napeto pratio što rade. Iako u Zijavici ne njegujemo isti koncept, inspiriralo me i bilo je jako zanimljivo slušati o njihovoj viziji i samom restoranu", ispričao nam je uzbuđeno Filip Sočković iz Zijavice, a s njime se složio i njegov kolega iz paškog Boškinca.
"Meni je ovo bilo zbilja super, Disfrutar me oduševio, imali su fantastično izlaganje i jako sam zadovoljan što sam imao prilike sve ovo čuti i vidjeti", dodao je i Dominik Mrkonjić, mladi chef iz Boškinca.
Bilo je posebno iskustvo doživjeti Gastromasu i biti rame zu rame sa velikim gastro imenima. Ovim putem zahvaljujemo Metro Hrvatska na putovanju!